The Friday List - 10/4/2024

Drink or Hold

Hello Collectors,

We talk so much about collecting and adding to your collection. Today is less so about that, and more about drinking! There’s nothing better than opening a bottle that is just entering its drinking window, and experiencing the greatness of why we age our wines. We’ve filled up the Friday List with tons of incredible wines to drink now, but we’ve sprinkled in some young and exciting bottles that we think you should own.

We start off with a bounty of drinkable Burgundy going back 30 years, along with plenty more from recent years. Highlights include Claude Dugat, Coche Dury, L’arlot, Lambrays, Rousseau and so much more! There are young gems too: rare 2021 Cros Parantoux from Méo-Camuzet and Rouget, both with stellar reviews from Allen Meadows. There is also a case of Jacques Carillon, something we almost never have for sale, as well as the brilliant Comtes Lafon Volnay Santenots, a wine that was a smash hit while I was in Chicago last week!

Bordeaux has a strong presence, largely including the vaunted 2009 vintage that is just coming into its best years. There is a pair of 100-pointers from L’Evangile and Pontet Canet, a large selection of 98-pointers, and only from the best names. Champagne growers take center stage too this week, as the category continues to be strong as the quality hits new highs with each passing year.

We close with a great array of California wines, a category we have seen a big rise in sales for in the last month. Back filling here is the key, as we have 10+ year old Schrader, Harlan, Morlet and Scarecrow! We also have one of the last vintages of Nine Suns, which sold to Realm, and the flagship of the Realm portfolio- Absurd. It’s hard to go wrong with the California picks today!

Showing 1–48 of 51 results