Wednesday Offer - 2/28/2024

Walking the Walk

Hello Collectors,

For nearly two decades, the buzz around organic and Biodynamic farming has been incessant. But what if I told you about a hidden gem of a producer who embraced organic practices some 20 years before it became trendy? Alain Burguet was a true pioneer in Gevrey Chambertin, blazing trails since the late 60s. Now, his children are forging their own paths, crafting wines that surpass even their father’s legacy.

My journey with these wines began with the 2005 vintage, and it was love at first sip. The Mes Favorites, priced around $50 back then, was a steal for its quality. Quietly, I sold little bits of their wines over the years, stashing away a portion in my cellar. They became those special bottles I’d occasionally uncork, marveling at their brilliance yet never quite stocking up enough. I assumed others would share my appreciation and never thought to send out an email offer. But today, that changes.

Seventeen years later, I may be fashionably late to the party, but better late than never, right? The best part? These wines remain surprisingly affordable—a rarity in the ever-inflating world of Burgundy. And the quality? It’s still soaring high. Take the Mes Favorites Vieilles Vignes, sourced from vines over a century old—a remarkable feat for a humble village wine. Then there’s the Vosne Romanee Rouge Dessus, perched proudly near Echezeaux, offering similar quality to its pricier neighbor at a fraction of the cost.

These wines are truly exceptional, a testament to Burgundy’s terroir that’s sure to captivate any enthusiast. It’s time to switch the narrative and dive into these remarkable bottles.

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