The Friday List - 8/9/2024

What We Do Best

Hello Collectors,

We haven’t been following our normal routine the last few Fridays, but today we are back on track, and it will surely get you excited. We’ve been hard at work (but when are we not?) putting together the kind of summer offer that we could only dream to have this time of year. Whether it’s value or something incredibly rare, today’s offer has you covered from end to end.

Let’s get the Champagnes covered first, since it’s likely you are going to see these next few names and skip right to the bottom- Cedric Bouchard, Jacques Selosse, Salon, Pierre Peters, Egly-Ouriet (and their coveted vintage bottling!). These wines alone would make an exciting offer, but we aren’t stopping there – we’ve added other crowd favorites like Allemand, Chave, Hubert Lamy and Ramonet, and we still aren’t even done!

We also have another drop of Comtes Lafon as well as the Dominique Lafon wines, both of which are must-tries if you have not had these lately. We haven’t had much California wine recently, but we are stocked up on favorites like Abreu (back to 2001 vintage), Colgin, Marcassin and Screaming Eagle (including a very rare magnum). We close with a huge array of greatness from Sylvain Cathiard, for whom every time we open a bottle, we gain renewed excitement for this rare jewel of Vosne-Romanée

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