The Friday List - 8/25/2023

A Tale of Two Cellars

Hello Collectors,

Today, we’re featuring selections from not just one, but two incredible cellars, with excellent provenance. In fact, because they’re so exciting, we’ve exercised tremendous restraint by keeping these off the website for several weeks, in anticipation of this major offer. So, without further delay, we present you with two extraordinary lists of blue chips from France and California. 

The first collection is a Cabernet lover’s dream, with both top Bordeaux and iconic Napa names. The Old World highlight is the broad selection of 2000s Bordeaux, led by Lafite, Latour, Margaux, Cheval Blanc, La Mission Haut-Brion, and Léoville Las Cases. And while there are some head-turning bottlings in that enviable pack, we’ll call your attention to some other legendary wines, such as the highly sought-after 1989 Montrose (a pristine case!), the 2001 Ausone, the 1998 Angélus, and the 1989 Palmer. This collection’s New World highlights are its impressive selections of Shafer Hillside Select (3 perfectly scored vintages), Phelps Insignia, Dominus, and Sine Qua Non (2 perfect wines). For those tracking zeroes in scores, there are a total of 8 perfect wines from this parcel alone, with even more awarded 100-points by Robert Parker himself at some point along the way. 

If the first half of today’s offer showcases some of the world’s best Cabernets, then there is no doubt that the second does the same for Pinot Noir, even with just a single producer: Dujac. Always a thrilling name on any list, we’re excited to bring you a broad range of Grand and Premier Cru bottlings from this perfectly stored parcel, including Bonnes Mares, Clos de la Roche, Clos St. Denis, Gevrey-Chambertin Combottes, and Vosne-Romanée Malconsorts. And as if this weren’t enough, we have a few rare large formats available today, which—like any Dujac we offer—will disappear quickly. 

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