The Friday List - 7/5/2024

Exceptional Sale Pt 2

Hello Collectors,

As I said on Wednesday, this was a 2-part sale, and here we are! In case you didn’t notice, the sale prices from Wednesday are gone, and a whole new slate of wines are in its place. There are a ton of familiar names here, and we are simply saying “thank you” with this list of top tier collectibles.

How about 2nd Growth Bordeaux for 25+% off? We have multiples of those, and there are steals on the second wines of great Chateaux as well! Don’t miss Burgundy from blue chips like Roumier, Dujac, d’Angerville, Lafon, Emmanuel Rouget and Meo-Camuzet that are up to 40% off. There is so much great wine here that there is simply too much to highlight! This is a great time to dig in and stock up!

Showing all 20 results