The Friday List - 2/24/2023

Bordeaux's Finest

Hello Collectors,

Bordeaux collectors: today is your day. This list is Part One of an extraordinary collection of great names; Part Two will follow soon, showcasing larger formats. There’s truly something here for everyone, from Left Bank to Right, red to white, dry to sweet, fully mature drinkers to cellar stockers. The five First Growths and vertical of Pétrus alone make this one of our most exciting offers of the year, but even if we removed those, this would still be a Top Ten offer for us. It’s extensive, so take your time to avoid missing something!

Being the professional nerds we are, the most genuinely exciting aspect of today’s collection for us is its provenance. We simply don’t have the time to photograph every bottle to show off how clean they are, but trust us: we wanted to. The bedrock of Domaine’s business is caring for your wines, so when we have an opportunity to assemble an offer with bottles we’ve followed, handled, and stored throughout their lives ex-château, it’s a dream come true—for us and you. Now, about the wines!

We begin, of course, with all five First Growths, and Pétrus. Spanning thirty years and over half a dozen perfect scores, this is a group that would normally grace the cover of an auction catalogue. In an almost equally impressive feat, also represented today are nearly all of the Second Growths, including Ducru-Beaucaillou, Lynch Bages, Pichon Baron, Pichon Lalande, Montrose, Palmer, Léoville Las Cases, Cos d’Estournel, and more. We’ll call special attention to the 2018 Rauzan-Ségla, a superstar wine with an incredibly bright future. As it matures, it has “future 100-pointer” written all over it. And for the price, this honestly should only be bought in multiples of 6.

The Right Bank is showing off in a big way today as well (did we mention the Pétrus?), with Pavie, Ausone, Angélus, Clinet, and many more. Don’t miss out on an incredible 5-vintage vertical of Canon—another extraordinary estate owned by the same group as Rauzan-Ségla. This postage stamp of a property has been operating at the highest levels of St. Émilion winemaking for over a decade now, harkening back to its glory days of the ‘50s and ‘60s. Looking ahead from their string of ridiculously well-scored vintages, it’s clear that the future is very bright for Canon. The prices are very sharp on these, but as this estate’s star rises, so will their prices, so take the opportunity to snag some today.

Just as with last week’s Burgundy list, we’re willing to bet you haven’t received a Bordeaux offer this exciting in a good long while. And while we’re teeing up Part Two’s large format collection, we can honestly say we don’t know when we’ll be able to put together another list like this one, so take advantage while you’re able!

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