The Monday Offer - 9/30/2024

Shipping Special!

Hello Collectors,

It’s that glorious time of year again – the crisp air feels amazing and if you’re lucky, your favorite NFL team is crushing it. Even more exciting than a week 4 win, it’s wine shipping season! To celebrate, today only we are offering free ground shipping on orders $1,000 and over!  Spend $1,000 or more, and we will cover the cost of ground shipping anywhere in the United States. Once you cross that $1,000 subtotal, you will have a new Free Ground Shipping option to select at checkout. If you purchase both future arrivals and ready-to-ship wines, your order will ship when the future arrival lands. You can place as many orders as you want for this promotion so you can organize your orders to ship together in a way that makes sense based on availability.

Stock up with aged red Burgundy, Northern Rhone and U.S. syrah, Loire Valley and Washington state cab francs, and rich Champagnes and whites that can play well with heavier foods and that can age further. We had a chance to taste through many of these when we hosted a BYO event at UOVO Chicago last week. The Cellar Trading selections shone brightly, starting with a magnum of Bruno Paillard NPU which disappeared quickly and was a contender for crowd favorite.

The winners of the night were our Pascal Cotat Grande Côte 2023 (absolutely lives up to the hype, especially for $60!), Clos Rougeard’s Clos 2018 – probably the most chased-after red of the evening, Faiveley’s Clos Vougeot 2009 in magnum – aging beautifully but still lots to give, and Lafon’s elegant Volnay Santenots du Milieu 2021. On the domestic front, the crowd loved the sumptuous 2021 Kobayashi Syrah and the 2022 Morgen Long Willamette Chardonnay. With a Miles and Coltrane soundtrack and sustenance from Chicago’s classic Honey Butter fried chicken, it was another memorable UOVO Chicago night.

Don’t miss multiple Krug vintages, 2002 Dom Perignon and 2 Brochet bottlings, Burgundy standard-bearers Cathiard, Carillon, Lamy, Mugnier, Ramonet, Raveneau and Sauzet, and Italian superstars Biondi-Santi, G. Conterno, Montevertine and Voerzio. Our free ground shipping offer for orders over $1,000 applies to all wines in our inventory!

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